Community Based App Development

Any time BootUp gets the opportunity to work with ALMA|LEWIS, we get excited because we love all the amazing cultural vibrancy and artistic visibility ALMA|LEWIS brings to the city of Pittsburgh. BootUp was contacted by A|L's chief curator, Kilolo Luckett and asked if we could provided some community based app…
Amil Cook and Lizania Cruz share a laugh in Pittsburgh at the ALMA|LEWIS during her Performing Inquiry exhibit. BootUp was happy to provide community based app development help for Lizania and happy she trusted us to bring forth her artistic vision!

BootUp Begins Learning Blender

BootUp PGH is all about empowering youth and adults in our community with advanced tech skills and digital literacies. One of the emerging skillsets in the current tech world is centered around the ability to design in 3D (three dimensions). In order to design in 3D there are a number…
Coop leans in to support BootUp youth learning about Blender!

Cracked Screens & Teens

Visit any high school or middle school and ask students to see their phones. It is pretty much a guarantee that you are going to see broken and cracked screens at a pretty high rate. The reality is that many of these youth will have to live with these phones with cracked screens for months and months.
Cracked Screens & Teens

Alma|Lewis Gallery and Tunde Wey’s Perspective of Art

We were privileged with the opportunity to see writer, cook, and artist Tunde Wey and his art exhibits at the ALMA|LEWIS gallery. Artist Tunde Wey and Kilolo Luckett of Alma | Lewis share thoughts during an Artist Talk in at the Alma | Lewis Gallery in Pittsburgh, PA Our youth…
Alma|Lewis Gallery and Tunde Wey’s Perspective of Art

CodeDay Pittsburgh May 21-22

It's time for another CodeDay Pittsburgh event. This time it is May 21-22 and all Middle school, high school, and college students from any socioeconomic background that are vaccinated are welcome to attend. If students wish to participate in CodeDay but are not/can not be vaccinated you can still join the CodeDay discord…
Eric J of Propel ASHS showing off his gaming concept and award at CodeDayPittsburgh