Community Based App Development

Any time BootUp gets the opportunity to work with ALMA|LEWIS, we get excited because we love all the amazing cultural vibrancy and artistic visibility ALMA|LEWIS brings to the city of Pittsburgh. BootUp was contacted by A|L's chief curator, Kilolo Luckett and asked if we could provided some community based app…
Amil Cook and Lizania Cruz share a laugh in Pittsburgh at the ALMA|LEWIS during her Performing Inquiry exhibit. BootUp was happy to provide community based app development help for Lizania and happy she trusted us to bring forth her artistic vision!

Alma|Lewis Gallery and Tunde Wey’s Perspective of Art

We were privileged with the opportunity to see writer, cook, and artist Tunde Wey and his art exhibits at the ALMA|LEWIS gallery. Artist Tunde Wey and Kilolo Luckett of Alma | Lewis share thoughts during an Artist Talk in at the Alma | Lewis Gallery in Pittsburgh, PA Our youth…
Alma|Lewis Gallery and Tunde Wey’s Perspective of Art