BootUp Begins Learning Blender

Coop leans in to support BootUp youth learning about Blender!
Coop leans in to support BootUp youth learning about Blender!

BootUp PGH is all about empowering youth and adults in our community with advanced tech skills and digital literacies. One of the emerging skillsets in the current tech world is centered around the ability to design in 3D (three dimensions).

In order to design in 3D there are a number of popular software applications ranging from Tinkercad, a great introductory browser based 3D modeling platform, to Blender, a free and professional grade 3D modeling application. There is also Nomad Sculpt a 3D modeling app for the iPad, which BootUp also has installed for our community to use.

However, Blender has emerged as a 3D design champ with increased popularity in a number of professional industries from engineering and 3D printing to VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) to game design. Blender is a common tool used by creative amateurs and professionals doing advanced design work.

Our BootUp youth were really the ones who educated us about the value of Blender and expressed their interest in learning the tool. Once we found out that our youth were interested in Blender, we started looking for a community educator who was an expert in Blender. Bring in Mr. Raynard Lucas, a local teaching artist and design professional and friend of the Alma | Lewis. Raynard has begun teaching our BootUp Middle Schoolers, High Schoolers and young adults the essentials of Blender through a project where the students design their own “mini islands”.

Be on the look out for the next generation of Blender designers coming to the city with training from BootUp PGH and Raynard! If you are interested in learning Blender sign up for either our High School or Middle School programs.